Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cherish The Day

Regardless of the weather, my family faithfully attends our city's Memorial Day Parade. We feel it is the least we can do to give honor to this country's brave men and women in uniform. It's nice to have a 3 day weekend. It's one of the few holidays that I know I get to spend with my husband and children every year. But I really, try to keep the meaning of this holiday all about those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. I have an entire summer to fire up the grill. For me, a perfectly grilled meal, or well planned cookout will never take precedence over what this day is all about.

I show up to this parade, start snapping photos, and can't wait to get home and examine the faces of the brave vets. I wonder what I will be able to see in their faces. I wonder what their story is. What was the personal price they paid for my freedom? I am overwhelmed with gratitude for anyone who answers the call to serve and protect. I look in my children's faces, and wonder if it's a call that will tug on their hearts one day. I won't even pretend that the thought of being a military mom isn't frightening. It's actually more than I can bear to process with one high school aged child, and another young teenager. But, I trust that if one of my children are called to served I will be allotted some measure of God's grace that mothers in that position are given.

Here are some pictures of local heros who participated in my community parade. My son also had the honor of being recruited by a local drum corps. I can't resist throwing in a picture or 2 of him as well :) God Bless these service people. And God Bless the USA.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Life As We Know It

Life as we know it came to a close for this little lady and I last week. Before the last day of this school year came, I decided that I wanted to make our last day as bosom buddies a special one. Summer vacation has officially begun. Her brothers are home now, and we are in the crux of making this summer as memorable as any before. 

When the fall rolls around this time, my little sweetheart will be hitting the mean streets and heading to school. Nobody knows my girl better than me, so we spent the day doing all of her favorite things. She was absolutely thrilled she repeatedly asked me if it was her "Lucky Day".  I kept telling her it was her Special Day. Her elation was my motivation, because to be honest, it was much more bitter than bittersweet in my eyes. 

I am happy for my doll. She is brilliant, vibrant, full of curiosity, and quite ready to move on to bigger and better things. Yet selfishly, I mourn the loss of my roll as center of someone else's universe. I will spend these next couple of months creating as many lasting memories as possible. I chose not to focus on myself just yet... 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Don't Just Look It...Live It

Sometimes you read, or listen to someone's words, and you feel sorry for the lack of depth in them. They say ignorance is bliss, but not everyone who lives a shallow life is unintelligent or ignorant. Sometimes they have just settled for trying to look good, as opposed to living well. I am sad for those people.

I have my quirks and faults. I am extremely emotional. At times I am emotion to the point of irrationality. But I am real. I am trying to LIVE. And, if I am going to live, then I am going to have an authentic life. My experiences won't always be pretty or perfect. My relationships will be hard work....but they will be real. My life will be full and enriched, and I will work towards building things that satisfy my needs. Or I won't have lived at all. Will I?

Saturday, May 18, 2013

In Your Own Mind

Refuse to rise above, and fight for what you want? 
Your a prisoner in your own mind
Spend your days showing the world how fantastic you are?
Your a legend in your own mind
Walk around focused on what injustice you've suffered?
Your a victim in your own mind
Expect him/her to obsess over you forever?
Your a muse in your own mind

Pursue your passion and give your best effort?
Your a success in your own mind
At peace with your past?
Your satisfied in your own mind
Speak light and love into those around you?
Your an inspiration in your own mind
Get knocked down and get back up?
Your a winner in your own mind

“People tend to complicate their own lives, as if living weren't already complicated enough.”  Carlos Ruiz Zafón

“We are addicted to our thoughts. We cannot change anything if we cannot change our thinking.”  Santosh Kalwar

“Everybody in the world is seeking happiness - and there is one sure way to find it. That is by controlling your thoughts. Happiness doesn't depend on outward conditions. It depends on inner conditions.”   Dale Carnegie

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Turns Out

You've spent so much time trying to hurt me
I won't poison my heart with contempt, I'll wish you well
Turns out this situation made me stronger

That irritation you saw me was operating in, was a result of pain
Pain manifests physically, mentally, and spiritually...
Turns out I'm fine, they were actually growing pains

The life that I wanted was not what I needed
I have found fulfillment, purpose, and contentment
Turns out I am finally on the correct path

You're a complete stranger
Since I don't know you, I can't really mourn you
Turns out I'm not mad at you, I'm happy for me

Friday, May 10, 2013

Thank You Thank You Thank You

 I think there are some pretty important things you can do to be a source of motivation to others. What is any successful person with out a good support group? The last time I contacted my children's teachers en masse was after the Newtown, CT shootings. Sure, I keep in touch with them all on a regular basis. I do my best to be a support and work with them for the benefit of my kids. But, I also want to be a support to them just because they have chosen to affect the lives of all children. This week was Teacher Appreciation Week. I went out and bought donuts for each of my kids' perspective teaching communities. It was just a small token and really the least that I could do. It takes a special person to go into a classroom day in and day out and mold and shape the minds of the next generation. Those who do it for the love and passion of kids deserve to be honored and uplifted. I hope they are given many years, and many souls to affect. 

We need to be a source of Inspiration
Make sure we show our Adoration
Do these things consistently without Deviation
Let our kind words be a sort of Donation
Be sure to promote other without Reservation
Find the silver lining in every Situation
Then hopefully one will feel Gratification

Never underestimate the power of THANK YOU!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Break Time

Sometimes you have to stop, right in the middle of what you're doing take a break. My family works hard. We also play hard (it's our business to play hard.... like literally). Yesterday in the midst of the homework/dinner hustle, I threw caution to the wind and told everyone to put on their shoes. With just a few short weeks left of school and the spring soccer season, I am quickly approaching burn out. I think my entire household is...

My girl got her first kite in the mail yesterday. We walked to a nearby open space and threw not only caution to the wind, we threw kites to the wind! It was a perfect way to detach from our daily grind, and we had fantastic time. These five people mean the world to me. I'm not a good enough writer to eloquently state what their well being and happiness does for me. But, a picture says a thousand words so allow me to share.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


She lives for these moments

Those times when conscience and spirit hold hands

A place to view the parallel of predestination vs. life choices 

A contrast seen as stark as black and white

It's a place where revelation brings understanding

Understanding is the balm that soothes regrets

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Stuck in the Middle

In our ever evolving society,  I am at a social media crossroad. Now comfortably in my mid 30's I have found a host of interesting people to interact with. Some of them are a source of inspiration. Others provide much needed comedic relief. While others still, are so brainy and intellectual, I can't help but try and stretch my mind and expand my knowledge base.

However, social media also is proving to have some serious draw backs. Half of my children are now teenagers. That means they want to engage in social media as well. I'm not their friends in real life. So no...I don't want to be their Facebook friend either. They answer to me and not vice versa. So there are certain sites that I definitely don't care to connect with them on.

In addition to that caveat, there are former classmates and acquaintances I have linked up with. Although it has been amazing to reconnect with old friends from yesteryear, it's painful to watch many of them spiral into what seems to be the onset of their mid life crisis'. Sometimes I just want to say, I'm sorry that you didn't get enough time in the bar during your youth because you were so busy having babies or chasing Mr./Mrs. Wrong/Right, but get your butt out of there, and go home to your family. Your party scene pictures are pitiful not provocative. Your wonder bra is working wonders, but anyone in our age group know's what's really going on under that shirt. I'm sure your wife would be thrilled if she knew about all of your shady inbox conversations with other women. Your sub-tweets are not as subtle as you would think my friends.

Little girls, I don't want to be your friend, nor watch you push your newly budding cleavage on the world. Middle age women, I don't want to see your cleavage either. Let younger ladies look at you and try to emulate an ambitious respectable woman that can walk the fine line of independence sprinkled with a feminine touch  of humility and genuine kindness. It takes work to balance that persona (I'm still trying myself).  Little boy's your not a boss. You're failing math, and if you don't start focusing on your studies, you will never be a boss. Married middle age guys, get in shape, a promotion, and try to garner the attention of your wife only. Your materials goods are the only things that are actually attractive to younger women. Women your age that are looking your way are damaged goods. They are trying to entice you due to their own baggage. Your not as great as you would believe outside of the realm of the family that you support. And, they should be enough.

I'm pretty sure I don't want to sign on to any additional social media outlets. Although I want to stay current and comfortable with technology, I am thinking about streamlining the venues that I use. It's seems like a better fit to monitor some of the newer increasingly popular sites that my children want to engage. I enjoy meeting and connecting with people near and far. I'm very glad that I am active on social media. I also like the functions that each site in which I participate provides. They all have their own culture. Each of them allows me to explore some portion of my personality in which I enjoy indulging. But the bottom line is this: Nothing beats picking up the phone and chatting with my best friend about any and every thing we can think of to talk about. And nothing beats cuddling up with my love at the end of the day for a real life personal connection.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Rx for Stress

I learned during my studies in Psychology that often the body will tell you there's something wrong, even before you are mentally ready to acknowledge it. I was feeling so nervous and stressed yesterday. I decided to pop into my local pharmacy and make sure my blood pressure is under control. Don't let the fresh face fool ya. I'm sure you've heard the old adage, "black don't crack." Slow aging is a blessing, and it runs in my family genes, but I am no spring chicken.

I was very happy to see that all of my stats were well within normal limits. I take my health seriously. I do the best I can to eat healthy and stay active. I have friends and associates popping up with diagnoses of everything from breast cancer, to hypertension. I know taking care of myself is a must. Not to mention, I cannot own a sports club and be out of shape.

I believe in taking care of oneself. Stress is the root of so many health problems. I was very scared to sit down and check my vitals. Afraid that I am unsuccessfully managing all of the responsibilities that I am juggling. There is a calculated risk to pushing yourself to grow/ move in faith when you have visions for your life. I'm glad that the measures I take to safeguard my health are working. A call to my physician for a consult and testing was not a road I wanted to travel.

For now I will continue put forth my best effort in taking care of my family and myself. And luckily I will continue to treat my "stress" with my normal prescribed remedies. My Rx being... a good support system, fine (ok cheap) wine, dark chocolate, and ooo la la some good lovin'! :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Fast Forward

February 22, 2011

May 2, 2013
Two years ago we were born. We had 11 players on our roster. Most of them had come across us from other clubs, or heard through the great vine about what this man and the kids he coached were capable of. It started with a vision birthed from passion. It's progressing into a proud legacy....and with God's grace a family empire.

There is something to be said of people who take a risk with you. People who trust you enough to entrust their most precious possession, their child, to your care. Those 11 players has spiraled to a group of more than 50 on a good day.  Working with them is not a charge we take lightly.

The challenges we face not only make us stronger, they make us closer. Mixing business savvy, financial forecasting, a passion for soccer, and high levels of testosterone together to form a family business is not always easy. Discovering the nature of people...more importantly parents is a learning process for sure. But we're doing it. And we're growing and we're happy.

"I'm married to my best friend." It's an expression I hear couples use all the time. I an not married to my best friend. She's been around for years. I've known her since we were 11 years old. She's been there for me during my darkest hours as well as some of my best days. I have no intention on trading her in for a new model. "I married my first love." Another expression I'm unable to use. I've loved before even if all was lost. He may not be my best friend, or my first love but he is very quickly working his way up the ranks as my hero......

Thursday, May 2, 2013


Wow! I have had 4,000 views to this website since I started it. Thank you anyone who drops by to take a peak at what ever snarky things I have to say :) I think it's time to step my game up, and dig a litter deeper. Stay tuned. We'll see what happens....together!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Chapter Summary

If life had a theme for me right now I would say it centered around betrayal. I have seen and even experienced it on so many levels lately. Surprisingly, I feel...ok. Once upon a time, the very thought of betrayal had the ability to hold my mind, and grip me with fear. I could think of few things worse. I am very slow to trust others. So the thought of being unequally yoked in my friendships, relationships, kinships, and even acquaintanceships was to be avoided at all costs. The cost being a termination of a relationship.

Time has taught me that life really does occur in phases. There are chapters that come to an end. The way things are right now, will not last always. Additionally, the fragility of my own moral fabric is allowing me to deal with others more empathetically than I could have ever expected. I look at situations I have faced. I see circumstances that others have undergone and I am trying to understand why people have acted underhandedly. Very often, I don't agree with their reasoning...but I am able to logically understand.

Finding yourself of the tail end of another person's betraying actions is still an unideal place to be. But, as life goes on, I'm finding that it's not and end all to some relationships... It's amazing how forgiveness can find it's way into a heart that has been broken. I believe forgiving is fundamental to turning the page on that chapter, and moving on to the next one.