Sunday, August 9, 2015


In the midst of watching a biography this evening I had a grand revelation. A woman was talking about how she was all but ready to stop truly living her life, because the person she loved most in the world was gone.

As I listened to her reason and justify why she didn't want to experience monumental rights of passage, I could relate. I'd been there before. I'm happy to say I've moved on from that disparaging point of view. Though I've worked so hard to heal, I can't say I ever understood how some of us get to that point whilst others are able to deal with similar situations and be fine.

Then it hit me. Love is not easy but love never fails. Though you may be left behind by a person, love still exists. You find another outlet, and can go on and find happiness again. It's idolizing someone that can cause serious damage. Once you understand the difference you can put people and things in their proper place.

As much as I write about and obsess over the importance of love, no part me wants to partake in idolatry. The weight of loss I've felt has been replaced with illumination and understanding. Surely I don't have full knowledge on this subject. I'm looking forward to my time in prayer and meditation for further insight. Peace and love friends xo...

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