Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ying and Yang

We woke up before dawn this morning. Our pillow talk led us to conversations concerning life. After almost 15 years together, we're still learning so much about each other. 

We got up, went outside, and watched the sun come up. He told me how much he loves the sunrise. I am a self described "lunatic". Give me a sunset, and the chance to stare at the moon, and I am content. In many ways we fit into the Opposites Attract category. But there is an element of cooperation that is just working for us.

He is like the sunrise. He embodies hope. I am like the sunset. I embody gratitude. Like one hand washing the other, we will work together. Balanced success is in our future.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Scratch and sniff

I changed my perfume this morning. It's time to let go of the fresh florals, and welcome the sweet warm scents associated with autumn...  I'm feeling warm and fuzzy :) It's time to drive out and enjoy the beautiful foliage. Good day beautiful people.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Think On These Things

One of my favorite Bible scriptures is found in the 4th chapter of Thessalonians. It talks about the importance of keeping a positive outlook. The 8th verse summarizes "...whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."

Taking time to for prayer and meditation has been an absolute necessity for me lately. I consider myself to be a spiritual person, and definitely a woman of prayer. But the discipline of regular meditation is difficult to master in today's hectic society. It is however, something I have been forcing myself to do. 

It turns out setting this time aside to both focus and listen, was a vital and missing piece to MY peace. I dwell in more contentment, love, and well being than I have ever known in my adult life. (And I've been grown for quite a few years now lol). My husband expressed his heartfelt appreciation for the transformation he has seen in me recently. His sentiment is as important to me then the actual benefits I have received by making these life changes.

So here is my personal endorsement for implementing mediation into your lifestyle. I am sure most people are not doing it. Let's face it, pouring a drink, smoking, or popping a pill is a much more time efficient way of dealing with stress or life's challenges in general. But what is missing with those alternative stress combatants are the answers we are looking for that so often cause the unbalance in our lives in the first place......

"A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes."
{Mohandas Gandhi}

Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Mirror....An Optical Illusion

There they were, standing in the mirror
Conjoined flesh, rhythmic heartbeats and breath providing the background music
She watched strong hands covet her flesh
Whispering lips on her ear filled her brain
The reflection a most magnificent sight
But alas it was art imitating life
The image was untrue
She had looked into reflection of an actor's eyes
And what can the mirrored eyes of a pantomimist provide
Little more than a double portion of an optical illusion...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Process

Little by little. One day at a time. I'm growing, changing, challenging myself. I'm determined to be more self-aware then ever before. I'm just at the beginning of this journey. Only God knows where I'll end up...

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Happy Sunday beautiful people. Today finds me in perfect peace. I don't have words just yet to describe them. But I feel a poem formulating in my mind. Peace, love, and blessings to you all...xoxo

Thursday, September 5, 2013

See the Soul

It's time to jot down some progress notes on how life finds me currently. As I stated in my last blog, I am on a new path in life. I must say it's much better than I could have speculated. I feel more peace and contentment now than I have in more years than I can remember. It's as if I am walking in a forest and all around me I can see rays of light. It's a beautiful hopeful experience. I understand this is all a process and there will be days where no sun light will reach me. But the path ahead looks good. I will store up grace and knowledge for what lies ahead. One word rings in my soul over and over....FORWARD. I am to move forward and not tether myself to anything that would distract me or take me off course. I cannot move forward if I am looking backwards. I won't look back. My internal navigation system is programed to take me FORWARD. 

My faith in God primarily but also in myself is giving me courage to press ahead. I have brought with me the tools and the people I need. I am equipped with life experiences, and the empathy, altruism, and wisdom I need. I trust the people I meet along the way going forward will have additional lessons that will aid in my personal growth. 

I was studying some international artists the other day. One gentleman left a very captivating description of his artistic process. He takes all of his photos in black and white. To paraphrase his comment was; If you want to see and something, take a picture in color. If you want to see the soul of something, take a picture in black and white.

This statement struck me. As I began to look at his body of work, I understood clearly what he meant. I decided to run a little experiment of my own. Below is a picture I took just this week after completing yoga exercises. This particular set of yoga forms concentrated on peace and acceptance. I am all about these form because they really speak to the heart of my situation and how I am trying to live right now. I do feel better physically, mentally, and spiritually. 

I converted the image to black and white and I'll be darned if I did not see a difference. When I strip away the color, I still see more pain then perhaps I was even aware of. I see eyes that are haunted with the disappointment of loss. But I'm very grateful that I can still see a sparkle of hope. It just takes on spark to ignite a mighty fire. I will cultivate that hope into a mighty raging flame of personal fulfillment. Just you watch...