Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Thank You

I received something the other day that was absolutely life changing. I was moved to the very core of my being. And it was one of those things that will affect the way I operate from now on.

I received the most heartfelt sincere thank you ever. It was more than words. It was from one spirit, that was trying to connect with another spirit on the deepest purest level. It was an echelon of sincerity that I simply have not come across very often.

I try my best to live a reverent and grateful life. My desire is to be a thankful person. I have given a lot of thank yous. If you look below you will see just a portion of supplies that I have in my thank you collection. I thought I was "serious business" when it came to whipping out tokens of good will and graciousness. In fact,  I have been trained in proper etiquette on the art of thank yous. But I'll tell you what.  There is a whole different level of gratitude that I do not normally tap into, and I want to get there!

I have a husband and children whom I love to take care of. Their happiness is my motivation. Their smiles provide my gratification. Most of the time I am not even looking for or expecting a thank you. Although, they are very good about thanking me for how I care for them. I certainly acknowledge them as well, for what they do for me. Up until this week I thought it was sincere. It is. But I can see how much more it can be.

What's so amazing is that the thank you was really for no particular reason. I haven't done anything special to be entitled to such amazing words. I think that just illustrates the wonderful nature of my friend. I hadn't done anything to warrant this extra special outpouring of appreciation. She just reached out to tell me all of the things that she loved and was thankful for concerning me. I am hoping that I am worthy of even a fraction of the love she bestowed. I know that I will work that much harder to be the friend she envisions me to be.

Etiquette officially is moved to the back burner when it's time to pass out thank yous. I will take advantage of my hopeless romanticism and let love rule when it's time to show appreciation. I believe the difference in approach will be felt, as opposed to read or heard.

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